Almirall - Customer Testimonial - Esko

Pharma brand owner Almirall obtains a global overview of the packaging production process with WebCenter

Almirall is a global pharmaceutical company with its head office in Barcelona, Spain, dedicated to offering medicines and medical equipment.

Almirall manages 2,000 package designs and 1500 projects. Prior to implementing WebCenter, the entire process had been manual and responsibility was divided among different people in different locations, each using their own files and systems.

Almirall was seeking a tool for managing the packaging production process for its products, and gaining a global overview of the entire process.

“We have doubled our volume of work with the same number of people. Processes which before took months can now be completed in less than a month.”

Although there were other options that were specific to the pharmaceuticals market, WebCenter offered perfect functionality, designed for the kind of streamlined process Almirall was seeking.

Almirall uses WebCenter for managing the design, review and revision process for its packaging, both when changes are needed in an already existing package design as well as when a new design has to be created for a product launch.