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Mars’ Packaging Artwork Management Process a Little “Sweeter” Thanks to Esko’s WebCenter

Learn in this video how Esko’s digital packaging software, WebCenter helped MARS with visibility, collaboration, and overall project management.

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Case Study Summary

Ever wonder how many packaging changes a global candy, food and pet care company like Mars makes a year? 9,000. Yes, Mars makes 9,000 changes per year and estimates one packaging change per hour, meaning there’s plenty of collaboration across departments but also plenty of room for errors.

Mars was frustrated because they frequently encountered packaging changes, multiple emails, rounds of approvals and lost files.

Learn More about WebCenter
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Before WebCenter, we were struggling with process – there was no clear visibility, projects would get stuck, and we encountered failed deadlines.

Ebbe E., Packaging Graphics Project Manager, Mars

The packaging graphics team was looking for a packaging artwork management solution that would make it easy to track project status, gain approvals quickly and provide a central place that held all their KPIs.

Smiling woman with short hair